
Click here for a definition of hazing and for additional information on UA’s Code of Student Conduct, state law, examples and resources. Failure to report hazing is a violation of the law. It is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct if a student retaliates against another student for reporting hazing to UA officials.

Isn't hazing just about initiation into a group?

Hazing may be misrepresented as fun or a time-honored tradition. It is neither.  Hazing is any completed or attempted action, inaction, situation created, or communication that recklessly or intentionally harms or threatens or is intended to harm or threaten the mental or physical health or safety of a student or individual, or any completed or attempted act that destroys, or removes public or private property, for the purpose of, among other things, initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization.

Remember that hazing is really about power and control, and is abusive. What seem to be minor incidents of hazing must be reported and addressed. If not, these small incidents can lead to serious, dangerous forms of hazing.

What types of behavior could be considered hazing?

Hazing actions include, but are not limited to the following acts involving other individuals or any attempt to take the following actions:

  • Unreasonable interference with a student's academic performance.
  • Forced actions or inactions that demean or disgrace an individual.
  • Forced or coerced consumption of food, alcohol, drugs, or any other substance.
  • Forced or coerced actions that violate the law or the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Forced or coerced wearing of inappropriate apparel.
  • Forced or coerced exclusion from social contact.
  • Creation of unnecessary fatigue, which includes, but is not limited to, physical activity or deprivation of sleep.
  • Deprivation of food.
  • Any unnecessary physical contact, including, but not limited to, beating, paddling or forced exercises.
  • Personal servitude.
  • Unreasonable exposure to weather or the elements.
  • Any other activity that could be viewed as subjecting others to embarrassment, degradation or humiliation.
How can I report hazing?
Can I report hazing that I think is happening to someone else?

Yes. You should report any suspected hazing that you believe in good faith has occurred or will occur.

Can I be protected from retaliation for making a report?

Yes. It is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct for a student to retaliate against any individual who makes a good faith report of hazing. Similarly, any University employee who retaliates against an individual who has made a good faith report of hazing will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, up to and including termination.

Can I make an anonymous report?

Yes, you can report hazing anonymously. However, anonymous reports complicate the University’s ability to take appropriate action against the individuals and/or organization.

What if I don't want to make a report?

Please make a report so that the hazing allegations can be investigated. Not reporting hazing may be a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct reads: "An individual commits hazing [. . .]if they know that hazing will occur or is occurring and do nothing to stop it or attempt to stop it or, alternatively, know that hazing has occurred and fail to promptly report it to appropriate University authorities. It shall also be a violation of this Code if a student retaliates in any manner against another student or individual for reporting hazing to University officials.”

What else can I do?

If you have been hazed, know someone who may have been hazed, or have a good faith belief of hazing that is scheduled to occur, take action. Don't be a bystander.

Call 911 if there is an immediate threat to your safety or the safety of others.

  • REPORT the hazing, anonymously if you prefer.
  • Stay connected with friends outside of the group. Groups that haze often try to isolate their new members from others who might challenge them to question what they are going through.
  • Talk with others about what you are going through. You do not have to keep it a secret. Demanding secrecy is a common practice designed to protect people who are abusing others. You have a right to tell anyone anything you want about what you are going through, even if you were made to promise that you would not tell. Talking with others may save yourself or others from harm.
  • Seek guidance from your parents/guardian, other family members, trusted friends, or university officials.
  • Refuse to participate. Others before you have done so.
  • Join together with other new members to refuse to be hazed. There is power in numbers.
  • Leave the group. This is hard to do, but it is always an option. Walking away from hazing takes strength. Don't believe it if anyone tries to tell you that it is sign of weakness or that you weren't tough enough to take it. Quitting when you are being hazed takes character, courage, and integrity. There are likely others in the group that will leave with you but need someone like you to take the first step.
  • Talk to a health care provider or mental health professional to help you sort out what to do.