Violation of Child Protection Policy

Am I a mandatory reporter?

Alabama law makes the reporting of known or suspected child abuse or neglect mandatory for University employees, hospitals, clinics, medical professionals, teachers, school officials, law enforcement officials, social workers, daycare workers, mental health professionals, members of the clergy, and any other person called upon to render aid or assistance to a child. All University personnel should immediately report known or suspected child abuse or neglect as provided in the Child Protection Policy.

At what age is someone considered a child for purposes of the Child Protection Policy?

A “child” is anyone under 18 years of age.

To whom do I report known or suspected child abuse?

The University of Alabama Police Department at (205) 348-5454.

Am I protected from retaliation for reporting?

Any person who makes a good faith report of child abuse or neglect shall not be subjected to retaliation. Further, any person or entity that makes a good faith report of child abuse or neglect is immune under Alabama law from any liability-civil or criminal-that might otherwise be incurred or imposed.